Coming Back Home to yourself

What is this?

Do you feel like life got a hold of you, the noise of social media, the outside world telling you who you should be, how you should dress, what you should buy, and even how you should think? Those voices and pretty images sometimes drown out the voice of your own self leaving you uncertain about who it is you really are, what your purpose is and how to use your voice.

For 12 week we will strip back all the things that are distracting and really dig into who it is you are, because. the world needs YOU.

Get in Touch
What is included

The Learning

*Weekly 1:1 call 

*Text messages with weekly intentions and check ins.

*Private Community Platform

*Downloadable Workbook 

*Online course to work through on your own time.  

*You will walk away with a tangible vision of who you are, tools to help you continue to grow and evolve into your true self. 

Personal Photo Shoot

After the 12 weeks you will receive a very customized and personal photo shoot. Together we will create the vision of the shoot. The photo shoot can happen wherever you feel would communicate who you are most accurately. I will fly to meet you there.

This can and never will be duplicated because there is only one of you.

365 Photos

365 photos will be yours, enough to post one photo every day on social medial for a year.  Our intention of the shoot is so that you have a tangible and visual voice where you can easily and effortlessly communicate who you are , and through the course find your words so we can hear your voice, because the world needs you! 

The Journey

One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice --though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old tug at your ankles."Mend my life!"each voice cried.But you didn't stop.You knew what you had to do, though the wind pried with its stiff fingers at the very foundations, though their melancholy was terrible.It was already late enough, and a wild night, and the road full of fallen branches and stones. But little by little, as you left their voice behind, the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds, and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own, that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do --determined to save the only life that you could save.   Mary Oliver

The Journey

One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice --though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old tug at your ankles."Mend my life!"each voice cried.But you didn't stop.You knew what you had to do, though the wind pried with its stiff fingers at the very foundations, though their melancholy was terrible.It was already late enough, and a wild night, and the road full of fallen branches and stones. But little by little, as you left their voice behind, the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds, and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own, that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do --determined to save the only life that you could save.   Mary Oliver

Why I created this

Mend My Life

I listened to David White read Mary Oliver's Poem the journey on repeat almost every day for 6 months. While In the bath, on 100's of flights ,while in the car. By the end of the six month the boys and I had the poem memorized. This poem guided my path

since 2017

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I want to join you on the joureny

Whats next?

I want to hear about you.
Contact me to set up an initial call to see if this is a good fit for you.

12 weeks - Summer/Fall

August 2023-October 2023

Payment plans are available